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Whole30 Reset

Writer's picture: dpmgranitedpmgranite

The time is right - the time is now. I've been feeling sluggish and lethargic. While I believe my increasing AFib episodes have something to do with it, I'm also feeling less motivated these days. I expect time of year has something to do with it as well. I'm very pleased with the RUNNH234 progress having now completed 50 legs (375 miles), but (and there's always a but as Tony Kornheiser would say on my favorite daily show "PTI") my desire and passion have definitely waned and I'm in need of a reset and to recharge.

Roughly 10 years ago Nancy and I tried the Whole30 diet and found it a great way to get our bodies recalibrated and back in balance. It's not an easy road. While 30 days doesn't seem like a long time, from experience I can tell you that it only takes a few days to get into "why am I doing this?" territory. One thing that certainly helps is that Nancy and I are doing this together.

If you haven't heard of Whole30, here's a quick rundown. Basically you only eat whole natural foods, eliminating sources of inflamation from your diet. You stick to fruit, vegetables and meat. Eliminate sugar, gluten, grains, alcohol, dairy, legumes ... and yes the list goes on. When food shopping you spend your time on the perimeter of the store and stay away from anything that's packaged or processed.

Hopefully you are good eating eggs, because that becomes a key source of morning protein. After about a week breakfast gets harder and harder. Fortunately I've grown to enjoy drinking my coffee black, so there's no temptation to splash cream or add sugar. It's also key to clear out temptation from the refrigerator and the pantry.

On morning one - step on the scale and don't look again until after day 30. Weight loss is a by product, but it's not the real intention of going with this diet. Whole30 is more about getting your body cleansed and reset - and that's something I'm ready for right now. With winter snows arriving late this year the month of March is the perfect time to take up this challenge. Yes it will be a challenge.

As I've run the different legs in RUNNH234 I feel I've entered a challenge period. The novelty has worn off and like the dog days of summer with the baseball season, progress feels slow and the goal line a long way off. In running through the towns we're not seeing them at their best. I have to admit this time of year is my least favorite when it comes to weather and getting outside.

On the AFib front the episodes have been more frequent and more draining - I'm hoping that recalibrating my body will help energize me and am also curious to see if there is any impact with AFib. Right now I'm scheduled for an ablation at the end of the year. I'd like to see if there's a way I can better control this with diet. Whole30 is temporary with the idea to reintroduce foods back into your diet once you get through the 30 days.

So we'll see. I'm thankful that Nancy and I are doing this together. It's so helpful to share the experience with your partner and be able to encourage each other. I'll post back at the end of the 30 days how things went. I expect March will feel like a long month, but I look forward to making it through renewed and recharged - rarin' to go for the next 50 legs of RUNNH234!!

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